Gorilla CoalHMM genome analysis

Current version of the data and results is 2.0. Version 1.0 corresponds to the initial analysis for the genome paper. Further updates correspond to bug fixes and improvements:


Raw data

Gene sets


The Ensembl gene set, as retrieved from the ensGene table from the UCSC genome browser. ILS in introns and exons, respectively are computed for each gene included in the cleaned alignment. ILS is computed as the porportion of alternative topologies [(H,G),C or (C,G),H]

Ensembl Gene Set (hg19) annotated with ILSHuman_Ensembl_Gene_aln_Cleaned.gz


The RefSeq gene set, as retrieved from the refGene table from the UCSC genome browser. ILS in introns and exons, respectively are computed for each gene included in the cleaned alignment. ILS is computed as the porportion of alternative topologies [(H,G),C or (C,G),H]

RefSeq Gene Set (hg19) annotated with ILSHuman_RefSeq_Gene_aln_Cleaned.gz

Data visualization

Parameter estimates and various calculations can be visualized in the UCSC genome browser, by copying the corresponding URL(s) in the track manager: